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 东莞市福盛元贸易有限公司            联系人:杨先生18925599605        联系人:邓小姐13929438624         电话:0769-85646156转8004        传真: 0769-85326480  邮箱:changbaoli@china-fsy.com             网址:www.china-fsy.com              地址:东莞市长安镇新安管理区上新路金果商务中心A座509
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H&K Ltd. TECHNICAL INFORMATION WI-10-Z1050-60-20130122-P1/3

***** Hei-Cast Z1050-60 *****

1. Description

Hei-Cast Z1050 is a polyurethane resin developed for low pressure vacuum casting
application, which has physical properties similar to ABS and offers the following characteristics.
●Good hardening property at low mold temperature, demolding in 30 minutes at 40℃mold
●Low shrinkage and good dimensional stability of cast article
●B component is compatible with Hei-Cast 8610-60B.

2. Basic Properties

Item Value Remarks

Part A Black Polyols
Part B Clear, pale yellow Isocyanates

Color of Article Black Standard color

Viscosity Part A 3300
Viscometer Type BM
(mPa.s,25℃) Part B 160

Specific Gravity Part A 1.07 Specific Gravity Cup
(25℃) Part B 1.19 Standard Hydrometer

100 : 150 Parts by weight
Mixing Ratio A : B
100 : 135 Parts by volumet

Pot Life 25℃ 60 seconds Resin 100g

Specific Gravity,
25℃ 1.20 JIS K-7112

3. Basic Physical Properties

Value Remarks
Item 40℃ 60℃
Curing Curing
Hardness Shore D 84 84 Wallace Hardness Tester

Tensile Strength MPa 65 66
JIS K-7113
Elongation % 12 14

Bending strength MPa 75 76
JIS K-7171
Young's modulus in flexure MPa 1800 1800
Impact strength kJ/m2 10 10 JIS K-7110 Izod V Notch

Inhouse specification
Shrinkage(2mm thick%) % 0.17 0.17 Mold for 2mm/3mm thick

and 150mm long
Shrinkage(3mm thick%) % 0.29 0.29
Deflection temp. under ℃ 85 97 JIS K-7207(1.80 MPa)*2
Demold Time Minute 40~60℃×30minute Mold temp. : 40 ~ 60℃

Remarks: Curing condition : Mold temperature 40℃,60℃×30 min.+25℃×24 hours.
Above physical properties are given from our laboratory measurements as typical values and not for specification.
When using our product, it must be noted that physical properties of final product may vary depending on its
contour and molding conditions

H&K Ltd. 2-19-6 Yanagibashi Taito-ku Tokyo Japan 111-0052 TEL 03-3865-3690 URL: http://www.heisengp.co.jp/

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H&K Ltd. TECHNICAL INFORMATION WI-10-Z1050-60-20130122-P2/3

4. Low Pressure Vacuum Casting Method
(1) Automatic dispensing unit
Use two-components mixing type dispenser automatically weighing Part A and Part B,
stirring, mixing and cleansing as well. Material properties may be affected depending on
type material which comes in contact with liquids within dispensing unit. In case galvanized
steel pipes are used in piping, replacement with stainless steel 8SUS304) is recommended.
Contact sales personnel for more details.

(2) Resin temperature
Keep both Part A and Part B component at 25~30℃during casting. Pot life becomes shorter
with higher temperature and longer with lower temperature.

(3) Mold temperature
Keep metal mold, resin mold or silicone mold at 40~60℃ prior to casing. If mold
temperature is too low, it will end up with insufficient curing with poor physical properties in
heat resistance and impact resistance etc.

(4) Weighing
Mixing ratio is set to 100:150. Set metrological error in flow volume of dispensing unit to be
within +-5%.

(5) Mixing
Mix part A and Part B component in static or dynamic stirring method. Mixing condition may
vary depending on dispensing volume, number of element or number of rotation etc.
Ensure adequate conditions prior to mixing.

(6) Casting
Treat mold with release agent and then provide adequate treatment like degassing or
sealing of parting line before casing with resin.

(7) Curing condition
Keep mold at 40~60℃and cure for 30 minutes before demolding. If article is placed at
temperature higher than mold temperature, it may deform depending on its shape. Fix mold
with suitable holding jig.

5. Flow Chart of Low Pressure Casting

A Component B Component ResinMold / MetalMold
Resin Temp.25~30℃ Resin Temp.25~30℃ Mold Temp. 40~60℃

Weighing Weighing
A:B=100:150 A:B=100:150



40~60 30minutes


H&K Ltd. 2-19-6 Yanagibashi Taito-ku Tokyo Japan 111-0052 TEL 03-3865-3690 URL: http://www.heisengp.co.jp/

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H&K Ltd. TECHNICAL INFORMATION WI-10-Z1050-60-20130122-P3/3

6. Handling Precautions
(1) Part A and Part B components are both sensitive to water. Do not mix with water and do
not expose to moisture for a long time. Ensure containers are sealed after use. Also, seal
Part A and part B component tanks of dispensing unit with nitrogen gas or dry air.

(2) If water is mixed in Part A component, a lot of air bubbles may be generated in cured

(3) Part B component may become turbid or cured by reacting with moisture. If transparency
is lost drastically or if it is already cured, physical properties may drop. Do not use if such
being the case.

(4)Part B component may freeze in part or in whole if stored for a long time at below 5℃.
Melt at 60 ~70℃for 1~2 hour and stir evenly before use.

(5)Part B component may be deteriorated if heat is applied for a long time at above 50℃,
inflating container by increased inner pressure. Do not apply heat more than necessary and
store at room temperature of 20 ~25℃

(6) If frozen and kept at room temperature, deterioration becomes faster. Store at 20 ~25℃
after melting completely.

7. Safety and Hygienic Precautions
(1) Part B component contains more than 1% of 4,4'-Diphenylmethane diisocyanate. Provide
local exhausting unit in workshop and take good care for ventilation.

(2) Ensure hands or skin do not come in direct contact with raw materials. In case of
contact, wash with soap and water immediately. Skin irritation may occur if contact
is kept for a long time.

(3) In case of contact in eyes, rinse immediately with running water for 15 minutes and seek
for medical treatment by ophthalmologist..

8. Dangerous Goods Classification according to Fire Services Act

Part A Component: Dangerous Goods Class No. 4, Petroleum Class No. 3
Part B Component: Dangerous Goods Class No. 4, Petroleum Class No. 4

9. Appearance

Part A Component: 17 kg 50 dia. 18 liter can
Part B Component: 17 kg 50 dia. 18 liter can

In using our products based on the technical information contained herein, you are requested to thoroughly test our
products as to their suitability for your intended application and determine their validity with your own responsibility.
As the applications and processing conditions of our products to be applied by users are beyond our control, we can not
bear any responsibility for this technical information in terms of accuracy, the results obtained from their use and the
possible infringement of patent rights of any third parties.


【 浏览次数:14029 】 【 加入时间:2015-4-10 10:56:36 】

公司详细地址:东莞市长安镇新安管理区街口上新路 电话:0769-85646156 传真:0769-85326580

友情连接: 百度  雅虎  谷歌  阿里巴巴  新浪 淘宝网  www.ticolor.com.tw(钛色合金材料有限公司)